Welcome to Palmyra Township in scenic Pike County Pennsylvania.

Meetings are held the 1st and 3rd Tuesday at 4:00 PM at the Palmyra Township Building on 115 Buehler Lane, (off Gumbletown Road) Paupack, PA


Board of Supervisors: Chairman: Kenneth Coutts ¦ Vice Chairman/Treasurer: Eric Ehrhardt ¦ Secretary: Thomas Mueller ¦ View All Township Officials   Pike County Spongy Moth Cost-Share  

Palmyra Township

Pike County was divided off Wayne County on March 26, 1814, splitting Palmyra Township down the center. The division line of both new county and of Palmyra Township was the Wallenpaupack River. The population of Palmyra, Pike, according to the 1830 census was 394. During the Great Depression of 1930 the population fell to only 365. By 1990 Palmyra had increased to 1,876. The villages of Palmyra Township include: Kimbles, Wilsonville, Tafton, Paupack, Shiny Mountain and Greentown. In 1964, the Supervisors of Palmyra Township, Pike County, Pennsylvania, appointed a Planning Commission whose primary duty was to develop a Comprehensive Plan, Subdivision Regulations and a workable Zoning Ordinance. The zoning ordinance was adopted in 1971 and has been updated several times since. Emphases are presently being placed on the preservation of open space.

Palmyra Township Pike County Pennsylvania

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